Friday, September 9, 2011

Get Out or Say Goodbye

Just when I said Tina needed to go, she did, or so I thought. She left for a little while which made Jay upset but then just like a rabbit in a magician's hat, she was back. This time after a series of what I believe to be, unfortunate events, Tina and Jay decide to get married? Not the tradition church legalized married, but their own occult spiritual and eternal "marriage". I don't know why I didn't see this one coming. I was reading along about this foolish marriage, and then my jaw dropped. It didn't drop in surprise but is disgust. The way they finalize their marriage is by cutting their tongues and letting the blood flow together - gross? Just when I thought things couldn't get more disturbing, of course, they did. To end their marriage ceremony (which took place in a cemetery), a boy brought in a small kitten. In the breathe of a word he snapped its neck. The "wedding" guests and Tina and Jay then all proceeding to focus all their energy on the karma of the kitten to bring its soul back into its body; they failed. I think that incident itself should be a news flash that they don't have superpowers like they thought they did. To be honest, this is getting ridiculous. It seems to me that O (Jay's nickname for occult) is taking over his life just like a drug addiction, only stronger. This addiction keeps getting worse, as I found out as I read on. If I thought the kitten was disturbing then I wasn't prepared for what I was about to read next. Mel, Brad, Dell, and Jay all left for the weekend and when they were away they ended up killing cows and cutting out only specific organs and taking blood. Why in the world would anyone want to kill a cow much less take organs and bloods, unless you're a butcher? Poor cows. Disturbing times ten. The things they ended up doing with the blood and organs is just wrong; it's wrong to the point I'm not gonna share. WRONG. Days had passed and Jay goes back to saying he's going to get out of O, like he's been saying throughout the book. Sometimes it's like he's two different people, one who is fascinated by occult and then another who wishes it had never happened to him. Tina started seeing a new guy which confuses me because she's "married" to Jay? However, maybe this is his way out...

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