Saturday, October 8, 2011

I Can't Imagine

I've read plenty of books about the Holocaust and World War II but none of them have made me feel so angry or annoyed. I'm not angry at the author but angry about the Nazis and how they treat the Jews. For myself, I think the reason I feel the way I do is because the author was a person who went through the harsh and unethical treatment of the Nazis. Usually, well the trend of the books I've read over the topic have been written by third party authors. In those books you don't get the same feeling or complete understanding of the extent of damage Germans caused. With Night being written by Elie you're exposed to his feelings and thoughts throughout the events and years. In this book you also get insight into the years after the Holocaust and how it effected his life, in the other books I've read you don't get as specific as first person experiences.

The specializations and restrictions the Nazis placed on the Jews is so frustrating to read about because although I've known about them when you read how it effected the author and ones he was close to, it brings you, or me as the reader to a more personal level. I think that because the reader is brought to a more personal level it causes them to feel more emotion rather than just feeling informed. If I'm feeling frustrated now I can't imagine how it would have felt to be in Elie's place back's something that most people can't comprehend which for me only makes me feel for them more. This book is powerful, in the words and context it displays but also the feelings it instills in the reader.

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