Saturday, October 8, 2011

Likes and Challenges

I've thought of a new thing I like about A Northern Light, well that I find interesting. I like how the author starts in the middle of the plot and then flashes back to a different time before returning to the original scene. I think this dives the reader into action or conflict and then keeps them hooked because they want to know what happens with that conflict, but to find out they have to read through all the flashbacks and secondary events.

I'm having mixed feelings about the new book I've started, Rebecca. It's a rather thick book, bleh, and there's a lot of words on the pages, small print. Not that I don't accept the challenge or anything it's just a different appearance and writing style then what I've been reading. In books like Jay's Journal and Go Ask Alice the tex is written in the form of journal entries. The context is broken up and spaced in such a way that makes those books an easy read...but not too easy. I guess change is a good thing...we'll see.

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