Friday, October 21, 2011

Style Mapping

       Stardust by Neil Gaiman, Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy, and Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier all have different languages that can be described in different ways. The connotation of all three excerpts is connotative. Stardust uses poetic and picturesque style to illiterate the story whereas Rebecca uses quaint and lyrical style; both are connotative in their own way. The elevation of Stardust and Rebecca are both elevated and ornate whereas Cormac McCarthy uses a familiar and colloquial elevation in Blood Meridian. In addition, the language used by both Neil Gaiman and Daphne Du Maurier is pleasant and sophisticated in sound. In contrast, Cormac McCarthy uses more raspy and resonant sounding language. All three excerpts use language style that is unique to its author and sets in apart from the rest. 

Stardust: Neil Gaiman
x= connotative, figurative, poetic, picturesque
y= elevation, scholarly, elevated, ornate, archaic
z= pleasant, mellow, sohpisticated

Cormac McCarthy: Blood Memdian
x=connotative, scenic, illustrative, poetic
y= low, concise, familiar, colloquial
z=harsh, raspy, resonant, grating

Rebecca: Daphne Du Maurier
x=connotative, lyrical, quaint, descriptive
y= high, intricate, elegant, scholarly
z= musical, melodious, pleasant, sweet

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