Friday, October 14, 2011


This quarter I've read more than I probably have in the past year. It's been challenging for me to find the time to read and the time to blog. However I have surprised myself on time I did find to read a book, even just a few pages. This quarter I surprised myself by reading a book I got a lot time ago and could never push myself to finish. As of right now I'm almost done with it. I find myself reading at all times of the day, basically whenever I can find the time. A lot of reading has been done at night and when I have free time during the school day. The most challenging book I've read this quarter is probably Rebecca. It's a semi-thick book with fairly small type so it takes the most time for me to get through, especially when I go back and reread certain passages to understand or remind myself. For the remainder of the semester I'd like to set a goal to start blogging more frequently. I haven't had much time to this quarter so I'd like to change that.

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